Our Church Building
Built around 1910, our church is on the south side of Trinity Vicarage Road.
We welcome you to come and visit or join us on a Sunday.
Coming into a church building can be a daunting - so let’s show you inside. First you come into our ‘Welcome Area’ to a friendly greeting and information about our church.
The Welcome Area
Then you enter the main building of the church - come and find a seat for the service, and say ‘hello’ to those around you.
Inside Our Church Building
The cross is at the heart of our faith, as we remember Jesus’ death for us - bringing forgiveness and the hope of eternal life.
Like many churches, the building faces east - the morning light reminding us of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Central to our East Window is an image of Jesus as the good shepherd - for he cares for his people (the sheep) and laid down his life for them too.
Following Jesus means responding to him in repentance (saying sorry for our wrong doings) and faith (trusting in his death on the cross).
The East Window
Jesus calls us to share our Christian hope and serve those in need. The figures around Jesus are apostles (who shared the gospel) and Dorcas (who served her community).
The pictures below remind us of Jesus’ call to care.